just a quick little in and out to see between the lines of reporting on politics and culture, to look for ways of viewing the world positively and, when necessary, to call them on their shit.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

filed under: causes for cynicism

The President told reporters this week that what leads to a sense of cynicism among the American electorate is the fact that they report the news as though both parties are equally at fault for the mess we are in and the intransigence of our debate on issues. He went on to point out a number of items that were once Republican ideas that he has embraced, only to find that the Republicans have moved the goalposts, listing among those critical items such things as the budget and the individual mandate in his healthcare policy. (link) I do not disagree as far as he goes. But I would add that at least part of my own cynicism is that fact that he himself ran against the individual mandate when he was a candidate (link), pointing out that if the answer was to require people to buy insurance, we could solve homelessness buy requiring people to buy houses. So did he have a change of heart, or was he (is he) merely saying whatever he needs to say to increase his own power?

Unfortunately, none of the reporters in the room asked this question.

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