just a quick little in and out to see between the lines of reporting on politics and culture, to look for ways of viewing the world positively and, when necessary, to call them on their shit.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

filed under: he just can't help himself

Here's another reason church and state should be kept separate.  (link)  Because once in a while, like a double negative, their lies seem to cancel each other out, and it begins to seem like someone is telling the truth.  Like here, for example when Carney says that the House should be focused on passing Mr. Obama's jobs bill instead of reaffirming the national motto regarding trust and God and us, and the relationship between all three.  Is what he said true? Well, it would seem so.  It would certainly seem to be the case that Congress should focus on attending to the economy rather than trafficking in medieval fantasies and fictional caricatures.  But that doesn't really get at the truth behind the jobs debate -- which is how will Mr. Obama's package affect the economy?  We are asked to placed our unblinking faith in a plan that obviates any call for social responsibility for the mess we are in, except for, of course, the ultimate responsibility, the requirement that we pay the final costs.

And so, if Mr. Obama will have his way, we will close our eyes and march on our capitols and push through his proposals.  And then we'll bathe in the newfound riches turned loose by the wash of government funds.  He has told us over and over that it is a deadlock certainty -- all the prophets testify -- if we will but take up our cross and follow him, the promised land is in sight. So what shall it be? Shall we gather by the river?  Shall we dive under the water's smooth surface and hope that we don't drown as we are baptized in his love? And shall we remember his promises in the day of judgment and be counted whole, or land in hell?

And if all of that doesn't work, just re-elect him.  Then all will be forgiven.

Which is as much to say, where is the Lord in all of this? and from whence comes his help?  Doesn't he help those who help themselves?  So why then is Mr. Obama so deadset on putting government squarely in the path.  Wouldn't a simple step to the side, simply getting out of the way, be a more effective move in this time of struggle?

The nine most frightening words in the English language:  I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.

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